Coaching Sessions & Programs

Exclusive 1-on-1 Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Work directly with an experienced coach to develop a customized business plan. Benefit from 4-5 in-depth, 1-hour sessions each month, plus access to additional training programs and resources – all for $1,000 per month with a 90-day commitment to unlock your full potential in real estate.

But, Doing It On Your Own Makes It

Exponentially Harder.

The overwhelm is optional you know?


Flying By The Seat Of Your Pants Isn't

Going To Cut It Long Term.

You can work that way in real estate for a few years, but eventually it will catch up to you and by the time it does, most agents are too busy working IN their business to work ON their business. It can feel like a hole you can’t dig yourself out of, but you know there’s a better way to run your real estate business…

  • a way that gives you clarity, purpose and direction, so that you have an action plan that aligns with your vision

  • a way that feels organized, efficient and structured, so that you can focus more on doing what you do best

  • a way that allows you to have balance and boundaries, so that you can start enjoying more of the life you've been working so hard to build

…and you’re hoping a coach can help you.........


Hiring A Coach Is Not The Answer

…if they’re not the ‘right’ coach for you.


What's The Process?

Working with me in this 6-month intensive one-on-one real estate coaching program is by application only. Due to the intense nature of the program, I only take on a limited number of clients at any given time.

Apply Now

Fill out and submit an application. The more detail you provide, the better your chances of being approved.

Book Discovery Call

If your application is approved, you’ll be invited to book a discovery call to discuss the program & ask questions.

Secure Your Spot

If you’d like to move forward after your discovery call, you’ll be given available start dates and contract details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s answers to some common basic questions, but rest assured you’ll have an opportunity to ask every question you have, during the discovery call process.

What Is The Investment & What's Included?

The investment for this exclusive 1:1 coaching program with Jen is $9,000. Here’s what’s included:

* Half day strategy session with Jen to audit your entire business & put an action plan together

* Unlimited daily, direct access to Jen via a voice messaging system to ask questions, get clarity, seek advice, etc.

* Lifetime access to all of Jen’s programs and courses for you and your team ($4,000 value)*

* Tech support for all of your system & process implementation

* Bi-weekly group coaching calls

* Submit all of your work for feedback

* A custom-designed Breakthrough Blueprint™ to help you overcome blocks, behaviours and beliefs that are not serving you 

Who Is 1:1 Coaching Best Suited For?

This exclusive coaching program is best suited for established agents who have been in the business for at least a few years and are consistently earning over $100k per year.

How Long Does The Program Last?

This is a 6-month intensive. The goal is to audit your business and then implement all of the strategies, opportunities, systems and processes you need to transform your business and your life.

How Much Time Will I Need To Commit?

You will need to make the work we do together a priority in your business and life. How much time will be required depends on how much work there is to do. We’ll discuss this more on a Discovery Call.

Are There Other Costs Involved?

There are no additional costs associated with the coaching program, however there will likely be costs associated with recommendations for 3rd party software, etc. The action plan we put together will take your budget into consideration and ultimately it’s your decision what you invest in.

What Is The Refund Policy?

Partial refunds will be provided if you are not satisfied with the program on completion and can provide reasonable grounds for your dissatisfaction. In order to qualify for any refund, you must fully participate in the program.

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